What is Volunteering?
In SCRN the definition of a volunteer follows the 2012 Scottish government definition 'The giving of time and energy through a third party, which can bring measurable benefits to the volunteer, individual beneficiaries, groups and organisations, communities, environment and society at large'.
Volunteering Process
Recruitment of volunteers will be from members of the recovery community or individuals interested in promoting recovery within the South. Volunteers who are in recovery should be a minimum of 3 months free from illicit drugs or problematic alcohol use.
People interested in becoming volunteers with SCRN will be encouraged to participate in the recovery initiatives for 4-6 weeks to demonstrate commitment. During this time you will be asked to complete an application form and to supply two references (if possible).
You will then be interviewed and will be required to join the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme. This information will be dealt with in the strictest confidence and will not prejudice you being accepted as a volunteer if you have a criminal record.
Induction and Training
All Volunteers will be given induction training with further appropriate training to the specific tasks to be undertaken. SCRN will strive to provide on-going opportunities for learning and development.
Support and Supervision
Volunteers will be assigned to a named Supervisor who will provide regular Supervision. Supervision sessions will provide the opportunity for ongoing discussion about the volunteering role and any advice and guidance as needed. These sessions also give volunteers the opportunity to receive praise and emotional support from the organisation. Volunteers will also be able to receive informal support throughout their volunteering from Lead Volunteers, SCRN Staff Members and other volunteers.
This organisation’s process requires an explicit confidentiality policy, which everyone, including volunteers and staff, are obliged to observe.
Volunteer Form